C H A P T E R 3 5 , F IG U R E 8
Complementarity-determining regions. The actual locations of the complementarity-
determining regions of the VH and VL chains are shown in this fragment. The orientation is approximately 90° clock-
wise relative to the orientations in Figure 35-7. The CDR residues are primarily found in the hairpin turns that con-
nect the (3 sheets of the VH and VL domains. The crystallographic structure used for showing the CDR residues is
derived from the structure of a Fab fragment interacting with the capsular polysaccharide from
H . in flu en za e B
lished in the Protein Data Bank file 1HOU. The three orientations of the structure show (1) the backbone [3 sheets of
the immunoglobulin domain; (2) a side view that shows how the CDR regions overlap; and (3) a view that shows the
extensive area that the CDR regions provide for making contact with an epitope of the antigen. CDRl=red;
CDR2=green; CDR3=blue.
C H A P T E R 3 5 , F IG U R E 9
HIV-1 Gpl20 peptide bound to the anti-
gen recognition site of an antibody Fab fragment. The binding of HIV-1
Gpl20 residues 311-318 to the antigen binding site shows the actual
contacts between antigen and antibody that underlie Ag/Ab recognition.
The figure is derived from the coordinates published in the Protein Data
Bank file 1GGI.
C H A P T E R 3 5 , F IG U R E 1 0
Binding of protein G (
S . a u reu s)
to an Fc
fragment. Protein G binding mimics the Fc receptor binding of an Ig in the
Ig Fc region. Protein G is used for purification of antibodies and in their
“capture” in immunoassays. The figure is derived from the coordinates pub-
lished in the Protein Data Bank file 1FCC.
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